I always knew that once I had a child normal everyday things would become a bit more difficult, but I didn't really realize that I would only be showering only every other day (if I'm lucky), that my child wouldn't really sleep well at night to allow me to work out or whatever I may need to do, or that I would be fighting to try to get him to eat SOMETHING...but I also didn't realize that I would have so much joy in watching my son stir a spoon in an empty pan thinking he is cooking or watching the evil grin smile that he has on his face when I catch him "in the act" or how beautiful he would be when he is sleeping in my arms...and that is just a wonderful thing. I wouldn't change any of it for the world...not even if it meant gaining another 20 lbs or so. It wouldn't matter!
But back to that "doing something" thing. It's time for me to get myself on the ball and start working out (or something!) Since I am baking a lot more and spending a lot of time in the kitchen making homemade foods and whatnot, I am afraid I will gain a little more. Now I haven't really gained weight since having my son, actually I am proud to say that last time I weighed myself (about 2 months ago) I was less than what I weighed before getting pregnant. Sweet! (Only the fat has seemed to relocate itself in such a way that it looks like I am bigger. Funny how that works!) But the biggest reason I need to get active is because my muscles just hurt. Most of you don't know, but I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2007 (along with connective tissue disorder causing reynauds and a few other things), so a lot of times I just don't feel well. When I became pregnant, all the pain went away, and it was wonderful! A few months after birth, it started to come back, but never as bad as it was beforehand. But today, today I just hurt. I ache everywhere. The thing about fibro is that it hurts to much to do anything, but working out is the only thing that will keep your muscles from freezing up. I am just not good at that "W" thing...Never have been. I have always been able to resort to unhealthy ways of being thinner and losing weight, and that's not me anymore. I eat healthy (except for my occasional chocolate sweets of course!) but am not active other than what a toddler allowing you to be active is. But I need to learn, or just start. It's time to do this and get healthy and feeling better!
It's time...that is, after I eat my brownie of course! (wonderful brownie recipe located at Adorkable Recipes. Check it out and make them!)
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