I absolutely have grown to love Beth Moore, and it's not because she is some name that "every woman worships" no. In fact, I almost never even looked into any of her material because she was so big named and main stream that I figured what she had to say would be just as generic as anyone else on the market. I was so wrong. I was fortunate to finally find a Bible study with some women who I greatly appreciate, who aren't afraid to dig in, get dirty, and learn some truth and APPLY it, and of course make great friends in the process. This past study we did was entitled "Breaking Free" and it was tough. And it took forever. And I'm still working on it (even though the study is done, I have a week left). And I loved it! Beth Moore wrote this study based on much of her own personal experience, and I have discovered that what she had to say is so much better than what others have had to say because, well, she is/was just like me! I swear she was me about 30 years ago or so. She is so real, so personal, and can speak right to the heart. And the finger is always pointed towards God and not to herself. I had the chance to go to her Living Proof Live conference in May, and it was just amazing. (I will post a linky on the sidebar soon for the LPL blog. MUST READ!). And now I cannot wait for September to come because we are doing a live simulcast for Living Proof Live at our church, Ogemaw Hills FMC, and it will be just as amazing. She never speaks on the same thing twice, always changes from city to city. Very cool. Enough of my Beth Moore rant for now...but for those of you who have never read anything by her or have never heard her speak and you think we are all just fanatics and crazy...you won't get it until you "get it". Get it???
So back to life. We have a puppy, Kadie, who is now (let me check calendar for her age lol)... just a couple months old. She is a chow/lab mix (although she kinda looks a bit shepherd to me, but isn't). She is worse than a toddler with terrible twos! I am hoping we can stick it out with her till she gets past her puppy stage, but some days (make that most days), we just don't even want to deal with her. Braedan likes her as long as she doesn't bite or jump on him. She's starting to get big, so she can knock him over easily. She is pretty though. Hopefully this stage of life with her gets better (or she may be buried in the woods soon!!!!...that was a joke for all your super duper animal lovers who think I would actually do such a thing...I wouldn't).
Braedan is napping right now in his very own big boy full size bed : ). Of course at night we are still co-sleeping, but in his bed. This is just the beginning of transition and we will take as long as it takes. Bit hubby gets to enjoy some space in his own bed for now. I get to enjoy my bed too, for a few hours till B wakes and wants to cuddle to sleep. So I get the best of both worlds for now. Wouldn't change a thing.
Well, I am getting super hungry, so the oven is preheating and the chicken is seasoned with a garlic-herb rub soon to be cooking, and the balsamic vinaigrette carrots will be shortly on their way as well (unless I change my mind to make honey glazed carrots...haven't decided yet). Cannot wait to eat! Welcome back to the blogging world ME!!!
Braedan & Kadie enjoying food and a drink : )
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