Life with Braedan has been interesting. We absolutely love him!!! Although, he has been a rather difficult child. He seems to be a bit colicky. The first month was the hardest, and it gets easier as we go along, as we get used to his sensitive temperment. He also has a few food sensitivities, so that makes life intersting for me. Since we are breastfeeding, that means I have cut out all forms of dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, and most caffeine. My hopes are that he will outgrow these, but even if he doesn't it makes me eat much healthier! Braedan, when not screaming, is smiling, on the verge of a laugh but not quite there yet. He has the most beautiful smile! He also is starting to "talk" with us, baby talk. It's so interesting to hear. And he loves being on his legs! We are borrowing a bouncer from a friend and he loves being in it. He can't bounce yet, and the fun onlylasts a few minutes, but they are a great few minutes. We love every minute we get to spend with our baby boy, even if it is a rather difficult one.
I am in the process of uploading more pics, so hopefully I will have some links to those soon. I also hope to actually keep up with this blog, keep everyone updated. But for now, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and happy early new year!!!
[caption id="attachment_52" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Braedan being his cute little self!"]
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